Monday, February 14, 2005

Alfred James Lotka

Alfred James Lotka

Alfred James Lotka
Alfred J. Lotka (* 2 March 1880 in Lemberg † 5 December 1949 in New York ) was Austrian - an US-American mathematician , chemist , an ecologist and a demographer.

Alfreds James Lotkas parents were US citizens. It went into France to the school and studied in the British Birmingham . 1902 it moved into the USA . It wrote a set of articles over chemical Oszilation and published 1925 a book concerning theoretical biology ( "element OF Mathematical Biology" ).

Admits became Lotka particularly by its mathematical formulation of laws of the population dynamics , which he published 1926. They are concerned with the dynamics of robber booty relations. Independently of Lotka Vito Volterra was encountered 1925 same connections. The equations are called therefore Lotka Volterra equations or Volterra laws. Another law is into the Bibliometrie relationship between the number of publications of a person and the number of persons with an evenly so high publication output, well-known under the designation Lotka's Law.

He worked at the most diverse employers: the general Chemical company , that, that, of 1911 - 1914 as an editor supplement, of 1922 - 1924 as a coworker that and from 1924 to its retirement for the institute for life insurance metropolitan Life Insurance company in New York.

1935 he married Romola Beattie, remained however childless.

It was 1938 - 1939 president of the population Association OF America and 1942 president that.


* Lotka A.J. (1926). The frequency distribution OF scientific productivity. Journal OF the Washington Academy OF Sciences, 16: 317-323.
* Lotka, A. J. (1925). Element OF Mathematical Biology. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore. ISBN 0486603466
* Lotka, A. J. Analytical Theory OF Biological population. ISBN 0306459272
* Alfred J. Lotka, Louis Israel Dublin. The Money VALUE OF A one (Public Health in America Series). ISBN 0405098146

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